The Voice Cure: Voice Therapy

At HearMeOut, we love everything about voices. It amazes us how the voice alone can be so unique and different yet so connecting at the same time. Here are some incredible facts about voices:

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The Top 5 Tips For Your Thanksgiving Table

Placed between Halloween and Christmas, we are now enjoying America’s biggest occasion for arguments, Thanksgiving! A day which by definition should spark many arguments. Thanksgiving, after all, is on different days in different countries with even America and Canada not celebrating on the same day. Debates on why we celebrate, who celebrated it first, and how should we celebrate seem to be endless.

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Ladies, Make Your Voice Heard!

Ladies, have you ever made a great point in a meeting, only for some guy to come along, parrot your idea two minutes later, and get all the credit? Have you ever started a thought to be cut off by a guy whose idea isn’t particularly better (but is particularly louder)?

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How To Tell The Spookiest, Scariest Stories

Happy Halloween! You’ve pulled your plastic skeleton decorations out of storage, you’ve found the absolute perfect costume, and you’ve put the candy mix on the front porch with a sign that says “TAKE ONE EACH” (You know they’ll all be gone within an hour, right?). The one thing you need to make your Halloween absolutely perfect is a good scary story. A story that’ll give your friends chills and goosebumps, and keep them up long after midnight thinking about it. Here are some tips to keep in mind for telling your best scary story.

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